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ExLA Group Gender Programme in collaboration with its partners specifically, STAR-Ghana Foundation; IGRED; Bambu Centre; Ministry of Gender; Children & Social Protection and Economic Fighters League wishes to announce to its cherished fraternity and the general public, the extension of its vibrant “40-Day Campaign Against Rape”. The campaign which was set in motion to deal with the erroneous socialisation of men and women in Africa towards issues of forced sex and its implications, has received a lot of traction, hence the decision to extend it.

The Campaign which is under the theme, “Stop Rape”, so far has mainly witnessed a very massive social media sensitisation with thought-provoking messages accompanied by striking images to spread the key campaign message.  There has been a number of distress calls received from victims and concerned citizens with regards to cases of sexual abuse while the organisation has taken steps to follow-up on the cases to bring perpetrators to book.

Consequently, four alleged perpetrators are standing trial for sexual offences and six others are currently under investigation pending arrest and prosecution.

As part of the extension which will last for 20 more days, ExLA Group Gender Programme will have the opportunity to engage even more stakeholders within the Gender and Children’s protection sector to ensure that there is a stop to rape and its associated violence.

There is currently an ongoing process to produce a documentary which highlights the plights of victims and also gathers the thoughts and messages of opinion leaders in solidarity with the campaign. This new move has been made possible due to a recent MoU signed between ExLA Group Gender Programme and STAR-Ghana Foundation, the latter joining the campaign as the latest partner to boost the effort of the Steering Committee for the campaign to achieve its objectives.

Together with our partners, the ExLA Group wishes to reaffirm its commitment towards the “Stop Rape” Campaign. The few days ahead of us will be full of massive activities and we wish to call on all well-meaning African citizens to join us secure the future of our dear continent which is inevitably tied to the progress of women and girls in equal measure to men.

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